Welcome to Worth County MOGenWeb



West side Grant City Square 1912

 My name is Bob Jenkins
and I created this website to provide genealogy
 information and links to genealogy information  to assist people in researching
 their Worth County Missouri ancestors.

 I would appreciate any contribution that you would like to make  to this site:
 biographies, obituaries, birth, marriage, death info,  grave info, photographs....etc

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   Worth County Data

 Brief History:

In 1861 Worth County was organized, the last of Missouri's 114 counties. During the 19th century, Worth County had three
 courthouses. From 1861-1863, Smithton, also called Worthville, was the seat of justice, but after a petition requested removal
 to a central location, the county seat was moved to Grant City.

Visit neighboring counties by clicking their link below
Taylor, Iowa
Ringgold, Iowa

     State Coordinator:
 Mel Owings
Assistant State Coordinator:  Martha Graham

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